Participation in Online Learning

 Aries Catalogna 

Participation in Online Learning 

Although it may be frustrating to notice that a child may not be participating in an online class, you must remember that these kids are going through complete changes right now. It is common for children and even some adults to go through issues with staying focused and feeling the motivation of wanting to do school through a computer. It truly takes organization and motivation to make sure you stay on task and focused during online classes. When a student fails to engage during an online class, you must remember to stay calm and try to understand what is causing this lack of education in the child. Then you should verify your concern and allow the child to inform you of what is going on. Allow the child to ask you questions and then you can ask them something like "Well, what can I do to get you to engage more with online learning?". Give examples of supporting that child and finally provide an alternative option after having the other students settled with their assignments. If it comes down to the student just being disciplinary and not wanting to do school, it is never an issue to reach out to a guardian or parent to ask if they have noticed their child acting strange outside of online learning and then go from there to inform that adult that the student is struggling in engaging in class. 

In regards to supporting students who struggle, it is important to make sure that even if you are online learning, you need to make connections with those students before classes even begin. This allows the students to get comfortable with you and the new environment before beginning. Another step you can do when teaching struggling kids is to plan for the development levels of kids. Do not put a kid in a class that has high-achieving kids. This can cause not only struggling issues for the child to learn, but it can also make them shy and feel alone. One of the most important things to do if you notice a kid struggling is to offer to provide an example or instruction of the task and offer your support as the class goes on, this allows the student to know that they are not alone. My last tip for struggling kids is to have group evaluations. Offer a time to meet up with kids one on one to talk about how they are feeling, how you feel they are doing in class, what they are good at, and the things that they are struggling with to help examine further needs. 

When it comes to Skill versus determination and motivation, it may seem like an impossible task to get students who have the skills, to use them. However, it is not impossible, in fact, these are some easy ways to get them engaged. First, it is important to acknowledge their skills and learn what they student is good at, and not so good at. Use this time to get to know what the student likes as well as contact a guardian or parent to get further information as well. After this, developed a plan that meets with the childs needs. These can include short-term goals and long-term goals that the child wants to meet. Most importantly, use positive feedback for when the child is doing something good!


  1. I love how you emphasize that outside factors may impact students' participation in online courses as many instructors neglect the fact that students have lives outside of school as well. Your example question of asking, "well, what can I do to get you to engage more with online learning?" teaches us all to allow students to have an opportunity to explain how instructors can better support them for success. In what ways would you try to connect with online students at the beginning of a course to try to avoid students' disinterest?

  2. I find it really important how you don't underestimate kids, you give every child and equal chance to learn and that is so amazing. I never thought about meeting the kid before class starting and getting that base of comfort from the start, really neat idea. How would you approach kids who are having a hard time at home due to parent pressure or lack of support? Would you still contact them?

    1. Hello Ms. C! For your question, I feel as though, if the student is having a hard time BECAUSE of the parents, I would probably get in contact with the parents and offer them to have a meeting with me. Understanding your students is just as important as understanding their family and if they have that support or not. If they don't have support from their family, that would be another reason to speak to both parties and offer a longer time for the student to work with you through online learning and on a more one on one learning experience if you have the time. If not, provide support through emails everyday to just make sure that child knows that you are there for them.

  3. Hi Aries,
    I loved reading your perspective! Especially, the part about understanding each of students' need to be successful. I feel like it is very important to understand where each kid is at and what each one needs to have great success with online learning.


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