Student Motivation in Online Classroom-

 Aries Catalogna 

Student Motivation Online

The best way to get your students motivated and excited for online classes is by promoting student involvement (Conversations and challenges), Encouraging social media (Games they can play while learning), Using emails to inform the students when the class will happen and how they can reach you, celebrate accomplishments (Even if they are small), and monitoring progress by each student. Using all of these things is going to truly benefit your classroom in so many ways! Students will get more involved and be excited about this online adventure. 

The use of Student involvement is very important because it engages students to still reach out to their classmates even through an online atmosphere. While using social media to remind students of activities for the class will also make them excited to learn about events that will happen during class. The use of Emails is more for the students' attendance than anything else. This is almost like a reminder for them that class is waiting for them. When you celebrate accomplishments, the students will want to accomplish more. They enjoy feeling wanted and celebrated so even small accomplishments are worth celebrating. Then finally, by monitoring the progress, you are able to identify when a student achieves something great! 


  1. Hi there, Aries! These are some great ways to get students engaged in their online education. Students truly do enjoy when they feel they are valued in the classroom. That feeling can be hard to convey over a computer screen, and the email strategy of communication is so important for online education! The social media idea sounds amazing. What platform would you prefer to use- Instagram, twitter, something different and school friendly? I think its a great way to connect with students in a way they're familiar with already!


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